Monday, October 12, 2009

Our Move and Interesting Observations

Well, we are not doing very well at posting lately.  It seems like every week night it is hard to be motivated to blog (plus we don't have the internet at our new place), but blogging at work is nearly impossible, and the past couple of weekends have been so busy.  We spent one whole weekend moving into our new place and making necessary purchases and then this last weekend was General Conference for us.  The new place is only temporary and we will have to find somewhere new by January, but for now it is ours and we are loving the area.  I will post pictures as soon as I take some.

So, we are now living in a city called Seremban and it is a smaller city than Kuala Lumpur and the traffic is much better, which we appreciate!  It's also cool because our Branch President also lives in Seremban so we already have friends to get together with.  We have decided to do joint FHE and play games every Monday.  It has been fun so far.  The only downside is that we do not have the internet at our place yet.

Anyway, there are several things that stood out to me when we first got here and I decided I better post them before I forget or get used to them.
  1. When eating, people don't use knives to cut their food.  Instead they use spoons.
  2. Pedestrians have no right of all.
  3. Napkins are never provided, nor are hand towels in public bathrooms.
  4. Sometimes toilet paper isn't provided either.  (Solution: always carry pocket tissues!)
  5. Drivers are crazy and motorbikes are even crazier!  (Trip has a post about this insanity, so I won't elaborate)
  6. There are holidays every month celebrating different religions.
  7. Some things are ridiculously cheap in US dollars, and some things are twice as electronics.
  8. Every morning when we drive to work we pass cows, goats, and chickens that are loose on the street.  One cow actually moo'ed at us this morning!  There is also a random camel in a pen on the side of the road.
So there are some things that stood out to us when we first got here that is becoming more and more normal.  I will have to add to the list as I find more stuff.  I love the randomness here!

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