Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The grass is always greener...

Cat in dog crate, dog in kitty bed...need I say more?

We came home earlier than usual the other day because I was starving and had to eat something...NOW.  Normally when we walk in, Jack is at the door ready to greet us with his favorite toy in tow.  Anytime he doesn't meet us at the door, we know he did something bad and he is hiding from us.  

This was one of those times that he was not ready and waiting when we walked in, so we started the routine search of the apartment for Jack.  After looking in all the usual places we were a bit baffled because he was nowhere to be seen.  That's when I noticed the laundry room door was shut.  The laundry room door is constantly propped open a few inches so Tigger can get in and Jack can't.  Jack isn't allowed in there for 2 reasons:
  1. He likes to eat Tigger's food
  2. He likes to raid Tigger's litter box
This particular morning I was in a hurry and didn't stick the doorstop under the door as tight as usual and it seems Jack took advantage of this and pushed his way into the laundry room, not realizing that the door would swing shut behind him.  
We opened the door to a super guilty looking face and he grovelled/ crawled all the way to his crate without us even saying anything.  Sure enough, her food was gone and there was evidence of Jack disturbing the litter box.  Personally, I don't see the attraction, but Jack just can't seem to stay away!  

What are we going to do with him?


  1. Your animal stories are just the BEST!!! I love them.


  2. Keep track of this story; there is a great Gospel analogy in there you may want to use someday.

    It is a great story to have recorded.

    Oh, Jack...what can I say?

  3. All I can say is both pictures are priceless. I love the one with them in each others places! They both look so content. Classic guilty Jack look in the second one. So, so funny. I wonder if your children will be as easy to read as Jack. Now that would make parenting a little easier. :)
