Thursday, April 28, 2011

Look out boys...

Now that we know we are having a baby girl, Trip is planning ways to haze and possibly terrify her future suitors.  Today he told me that all he wants from a baby shower is for people to donate money so that he can get a gun.  His look got all gleeful as he then started pondering aloud what kind of gun would make the biggest impact.  It sounds like it is currently between a sniper rifle or an assault rifle.

I can already see the horrified and embarrassed look on our daughter's face.

What time did you say you were bringing my baby girl back tonight?


  1. Oh you guys, but Scott felt exactly the same.


  2. All you need is a simple pump action shotgun! Trip should be cleaning it when said suitors come knocking. A few racks of the pump should do the trick. That sound alone is enough to terrify even the toughest. :)

  3. HAHA Paul, I can get my dad to suggest you a riffle since he has 3 daughters and he's a COP..LOL

    love you guys!

