Saturday, October 30, 2010

IBM Career Day

Previously, I had posted about our Business Leadership Series at INTI.  That has been a project that I find very satisfying and yet somewhat exhausting.  This last week we held an event that was a mix between a Business Leadership Series event (see this website for more info) and a career fair.  It was called IBM Career Day.

We had IBM's HR department come to INTI and spend the day doing career talks for different fields, mock interviews, and administer a pre-employment exam.  We had a great turn out and overall it was a success, especially for being the first event of it's kind, but man, it sure took a lot of my energy!  I was again asked to help manage this event, and while I did not do all the work, I did end up being the one who everyone went to when there was a problem.  The whole week leading up to this event I was working overtime to get things ready.  Thursday was the event and I was so busy that day, I barely managed to take 20 minutes for lunch.  I was so wiped out that I took Friday off, which was good because my feet were still sore and my shoulders were still tense.

I was really proud of this event and how well things went, but I am definitely feeling the effects of working so hard...Trip and I are just getting old I guess.  Anyway, this isn't a very interesting post, but it does give you an idea of what I have been doing this week and why I haven't posted recently.  Trip has also been super busy since school is in it's final month.  He has work projects that are moving forward, school projects that will be due soon, and he is keeping busy with the Young Men in church.  He is constantly sprinting to keep up with everything and will appreciate the Christmas break when it comes!  We will post more when we have had a moment to catch our breath.

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