Friday, July 1, 2011

Das Chops

I really should be catching up on Mom and Steve's visit out here as well as what we have been up to lately, but Trip (amongst others) has been patiently waiting for me to post about his long anticipated chops.  So, here they are in all their glory :)

The before shot

The after shot

A good side shot

Steve showing off his pimpin' suit and Trip showing off his fluffier chops (and general Irish awesomeness)

Jack wanted to be a part of the picture and just came and sat there on his own

Got chops?


  1. How did I miss the suit? Didn't see that until now.

  2. Oh my gosh....They are amazing. I wish I could have firey mutton chops....I am so lame!

  3. Yay for blogs! And nice shirts, Trip :) What a suit and hat for Steven...
